Water Frog Productions - Glossary

Water Frog Productions - Glossary

Frog Speak

VO: Voice Over narration (Recorded in a Studio)

VOC: Voice On Camera (ON CAMERA talent)

VOT: Voice On Tape (ON CAMERA talent, with intent to cover with B-Roll)

B-Roll: Stock footage, graphics, cover shots

CG: Character Generation. “Words on the screen.”

DVE: Digital Video Effect. Manipulating a video image through the use of electronic devices.

Dissolve: A transition where one scene fades out while the other one fades in.

Fade up: A gradual transition from black to an image.

Fade out: A gradual transition from an image to black.

WS: Wide Shot

MS: Medium Shot

MCU: Medium Close Up

CU: Close Up

ECU: Extreme Close Up

OTS: Over the Shoulder

POV: Point of View

INT.: Interior Shot

EXT.: Exterior Shot

Dolly: Forward/Backward camera movement.

Truck: Side to side camera movement.

Pan: To horizontally pivot the camera left or right.

Tilt: To vertically pivot the camera up or down.

Zoom In: Expanding an image on the screen by using the lens of the camera. (Wide Shot to Close Up)

Zoom Out: (Close Up to Wide Shot)

EFX/SFX: Special Visual Effect or Sound Effect